Love Poems For
The Romantic Heart
Book and CD

 Poetry Books Support Literacy For The Deaf

All proceeds are donated to the
SignWriting Literacy Project

Deaf students Simon, Jazmine, Joe and Desi read SignWriting books while waiting to use the computers at Mark Twain Elementary School in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Literacy For The Born-Deaf

It is hard for hearing people to imagine what it must be like to be born-deaf. Many of us take speaking, reading and writing for granted. But actually all three are dependent upon good hearing. Reading is not based on sight alone - it is based on sounds. When hearing people learn to read, they "sound-out" the letters in each word, plus they are learning to read a language they already know how to speak.

For born-deaf people to function in a hearing world, they must learn to read and write words - words they have never heard. Profoundly deaf people cannot "sound-out" words. They must learn to read from rote-memory, without sounds to help them. The SignWriting Literacy Project develops specially-designed materials teaching literacy to the born-deaf.

D.N. SUTTON donates all proceeds from her poetry books to help the born-deaf to learn to read and write. In fact one of her poems, One Harbor, has been translated into American Sign Language by Deaf artist Kevin Clark.

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For more information, write to:

Purchase Poetry Books Online
The Sutton Shop

The SoulSite Press
PO. Box 517, La Jolla,
California, 92038-0517, USA

Copyright © 1998-2010 by D.N. Sutton

All proceeds from the SoulSite are donated to the
Deaf Action Committee For SignWriting and
the SignWriting Literacy Project for Deaf Children.
through the
Center For Sutton Movement Writing
a non-profit educational organization founded in 1976
which donates educational materials to schools for the deaf.


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